Hello and welcome to our Website, I hope you were able to navigate our page with ease. I would like to help you get into a career that will give you a sense of accomplishment. I do want you to understand that our trade is very hard work and it is not for the faint of hearts. If you are willing and able to put in a hard day’s work then this is the trade for you. Where else can you go to School to learn how to be a Union Craft Person at no cost to you and get paid in the process. We have great pay, health, vision and dental insurance, and a retirement pension again at no cost to you. All our signatory contractor’s pay for all your benefits, nothing comes out of your pay check each week. Yes you get paid every week. While you are going thru the process to find a contractor and depending on the time of year, the contractor’s are tough cookies to break so do not get discouraged if they tell you that they are not hiring at this time. It only takes one to say yes. This is a great Craft to learn and we will teach you the necessary skills to be a skilled Cement Mason. Hope to see you soon to start your new career being a Union Cement Mason!!
Michael Behlmann
Cement Masons Local 527 Apprentice Coordinator
1 Park 370 Terrace
Hazelwood, MO 63042
Cell: 314-441-0300
Office: 314-549-7805
Email: mbehlmann@cm527ap.com